DSE Music
Singing Lessons

Singing lessons in person at our music school locations near you or from the comfort and safety of your own home via our streaming platform.

We provide various forms of vocal tuition including private (one on one, physical) lessons, in-school singing lessons and our renowned beginner program of online singing lessons from our streaming platform.

We created our own unique curriculum & syllabus with singing lesson plans specifically designed for delivery in person or online.

DSE Music Tuition teaches with a focus on music theory (learning to read & write music) as well as instrument technique, ensuring that students are equipped with the fundamentals of music as a base to build their skill & knowledge.

  1. Private, in-school or streamed
  2. Locations near you
  3. All learning material provided FREE
  4. No 'lock-in' time periods, no advance billing, pay as you go
  5. To see what's available, when, where and how much click the button below: